Privacy Policy

1. Protection of Customer Information

West Direct Express Courier (“West Direct”) understands the importance of privacy to our customers. For many years, our policy has been to treat what we learn about our customers as confidential. For example, we will not disclose to any third party not affiliated with the transaction, and we keep confidential all personal information about our customer, except as required by law or to provide our services to our customer.

We collect and store information about every package we handle so that we can efficiently provide the package delivery services demanded by our customers. We use information about our customers, their packages, their shipping activity to provide or enhance the services we make available to our customers, communicate with our customers about additional services they may find of value, satisfy our legitimate business interests (including performing trend analysis and market studies), set prices, establish credit, fulfill a carriage or service agreement, accomplish billing function and comply with government regulations.

As we collect and use information about our customers, we may contract with vendors to assist us in processing that information. These vendors are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are restricted from using the information for any purpose other than for facilitating the provision of our services to our customers.

The personal information we collect may consist of personal data or data which relates to an identifiable person, such as, for example, names, addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. We never sell information to third parties that could be used to specifically identify an individual customer or group of customers. We do provide personal data to government agencies as required by law or regulation.

We do collect telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the event we have to contact the shipper, or the shipment recipient or addressee, to resolve a question or provide shipment status information.

2. Shipment Information

Information, including personal information (name, address and phone number), provided as part of a shipping transaction represents a record of that business transaction and cannot be altered after the transaction is complete. Although we make reasonable efforts to limit access to our facilities and vehicles to authorized personnel, we are not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information that is printed and placed in plain view on a package or letter.

3. Security and Integrity of Information

We treat our data as assets that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. We employ information security techniques to appropriately protect confidential information from unauthorized access by users inside and outside of the company.

Access to customer information is limited to those employees and contractors who have a legitimate business need for that information.

4. Retention of Customer Information

We retain information about customers as necessary for business purposes and as required by government regulation. For example, we retain information about packages, including names and addresses, so that we can provide proof of delivery information and to process claim requests We carefully dispose of records and delete information when retention periods expire.

5. Our Website

Users can visit the West Direct website at without revealing who they are or providing any information about themselves. However, to obtain a Client Account Number, an application must be submitted providing company name, address, contact name, phone number and email address. Our shipping system at requires that users identify themselves with their client account number, email address and name. Authorized users will receive an encrypted email token granting them access to the order entry system

The West Direct shipping system also includes an address book that allows users to enter the names and addresses of persons to whom they frequently ship letters or packages. It provides convenience so that users will not have to re-enter frequently used address information. The address information provided is stored in a secure manner on our systems When the information is stored in the address book, we carefully protect the confidentiality of this information and do not use it for any purpose other than convenience and speeding up user shipping activitie